Classwork – 20 – 9 – 2012, Thursday

20 Sep

Urdu :

None. Just Completed the previous incomplete notes.


Mathematics :

Exercise 1 h

Q. 13 : 0.072 × 10₄ :-

A. 0.072 × 10,000 = 1102.

Q. 14 : 1.02 × 10₃ :-

A. 1.102 × 1000 = 1102.

Q. 22 : 4₂ × 4⁷ :-

A.  4₂⁺⁷ = 4⁹.

Q. 23 : a₂ × a₃ :-

A.  a₂⁺₃ = a⁵.

Q.24 : 5₂ × 3⁵:-

A.  Not Possible because of different bases.

Q. 29 :  2³ ÷ 3² :-

A.  Not Possible because of different bases.

Q. 32 :  a⁸  ÷ a⁴ :-

A.  a⁸⁻⁴ = a⁴.

Q. 36 :  (5³)² :-

A.  5³×² = 5⁶.

Exercise 1 i

Q. 7 :  a⁻¹ :-

A.  a¹.

Q. 6 :  4⁻¹ :-

A.  4¹.

Q. 16 :  (x/y)⁻¹ :-

A.  (y/x)¹  =  y¹/x¹.


Science :

None.  We had a class inspection and we were explained about the process of photosynthesis and why plants convert glucose into starch ?


Islamic :

None. We listened to Surat Al Muzammil and it’s translation.


English :

None. In the English period, we had class council elections and towards the end of period, various groups explained about prepositions, interjections, and conjunctions.


Arabic :

Translations for the chapter : Huzefa and the HUD HUD.

4th paragraph’s translation:

Huzefa continued to be upset many days and whenever he cried, he remembered the hud hud. On one day, Huzefa was sitting in front of the tent and he saw travelers coming from far in the month of Ramadan and Huzefa called his dad that there are travelers coming from far and Huzefa’s father told Huzefa’s mother to make food and drinks because the travelers are traveling from far and fasting.

5th paragraph’s translation :

The travelers reached the tent and Huzefa’s father gave them a nice welcome and sat in front of the tent. After Maghreb Azaan, they opened the fast and they pray Maghreb prayer in a group.

6th paragraph’s translation :

After Iftar, the travelers talked about the month of Ramadan. One of them said that Mohammad is a generous man especially in the month of Ramadan. Another man said that if you give someone to drink water when he is fasting, you get sawab (good deeds) –

The rest of the translation of this paragraph could not be completed because the period got over.


Hindi :

None. No teacher.



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